Our Vision
Reaching for Resolve aspires to be a meaningful and catalytic contributor to the establishment of greater capacity, cooperation, understanding and tolerance in the face of conflict. We strongly believe in supporting leadership growth and development so that individuals and groups are motivated by a compelling vision about their work and its value. Above all, we are called to help and to serve.
Our Values
Guiding principles, beliefs, and moral foundations are the primary drivers of behaviour and performance. Reaching for Resolve is committed to actualizing a set of core values in the work it does and the relationships it develops. We believe in promoting one unified human family made up of diverse and authentic expressions of a connected consciousness.
The following values not only inform how Reaching for Resolve delivers services and fosters relationships, but are also suggested as guiding principles regarding effective and mindful conflict engagement:
Discover and focus on commonalities – shared interests and values – and look for opportunities to actualize “togetherness” when facing differences and disagreement. Reaching for Resolve aims to facilitate and encourage strengthening “the ties that bind” in order to generate harmony from discord.
Make efforts at transcending differences by seeking authentic relational engagement and interaction. Rather than being preoccupied by divergent views and ideas, explore ways to create shared meaning and make space for empathy and acknowledgement.
As uncomfortable as it may be, try to focus and pay close attention to what needs resolving by removing distractions when addressing conflict. Mindful participation in problem-solving offers greater potential for creative solution-making.
Although conflict can naturally induce fear, anxiety, and discomfort, in most cases it should not be avoided, dismissed, or minimized. Instead, emotional bravery, risk-taking and heart-centered action offers the potential to catalyze transformative resolution.
To extend emotional energy outwards with the intent of identifying with others stimulates compassion. The energy and dynamics of conflict can disrupt the imaginative power to enter into the feeling experience of another. Demonstrating empathy in the midst of difference can soothe relational tension.
To act with integrity – being principled, honest, and honorable – can be difficult when the conflict experience is associated with mistrust, blame, and negativity. However, tendencies to defend, dismiss or deflect can – with determined and applied effort – be replaced with behaviour that is anchored in a strong moral foundation.
Adhering to the principle that those we conflict with are worthy of being treated with dignity and positive regard is foundational to effective conflict engagement. Reaching for Resolve believes in being a supporter and encourager of respectful personal conduct no matter how difficult or seemingly insurmountable the problem or disagreement appears to be.
Communicating in conflict is greatly assisted when curiosity is demonstrated. If disagreeing parties can engage in dialogue that is inquisitive and exploratory, the possibilities for resolution are significantly expanded as are the opportunities for listening and learning.
Conflict is one of the great catalysts for change; it can spark the reaction that exposes different views, opinions, ideas, and philosophies, from which novel and innovative solutions can be developed. Reaching for Resolve supports the exploration of less conventional means of problem-solving and by doing so, seeks to harness imagination, inventiveness, and originality in the delivery of service.

“You should place human solidarity, the concern for the other, at the centre of the values by which you live”.
– Nelson Mandela